Funeral trends and practices have evolved over the past few years. Our new approach, which is based on modern client-centered marketing principles, enables you to better meet the needs, expectations and aspirations of your clients. We offer you an ideal way to satisfy clients, while ensuring your profitability and success.
Of course, Precious Souvenir is only successful if our approach and products can help you better serve your clients and increase your sales of urns and monuments.
Clients turn to funeral professionals at a time of distress to deal with their feelings of helplessness at the loss of a family member, and seek relief from their pain in a dignified way. They want to maintain a connection that was so abruptly ended in order to pay tribute to their beloved and keep the memory alive. As a result, clients are open to methods, experiences and products that are newer, more effective, unique, customized, positive and contemporary to better celebrate and immortalize the life and memory of their loved one.
Urns and monuments have been used for thousands of years, their significance and usefulness being enshrined over time. However, modern methods and technologies can further improve urns and monuments by giving them an innovative role with totally new meaning that today’s clients find highly appealing and valuable.
The ‘‘Precious Souvenir’’ medallion made of fine Italian porcelain boasts unequalled photo reproduction quality. As such, it is the most modern, effective and powerful product for conveying a thought or emotion and maintaining a sense of contact with the deceased, while celebrating and immortalizing the loved one as well. At this highly emotional time in your client’s life, a picture is worth far more than a thousand words.
The quality and presence of a medallion can help relieve the pain of the bereaved by better preserving the memory of the deceased. According to psychologist Dr. Joyce Brothers, “…Grief need not, should not, be a destructive emotion. ’’ Some psychologists are even of the opinion that a medallion can have a highly beneficial healing power.
The ‘‘Precious Souvenir’’ image on a medallion, a plaque or in a picture frame, and its intense and personalized power to communicate can transform and modernize an urn, monument or columbarium niche. It has emotional power and provides added value that can change funeral products, which are so often perceived as being too traditional, cold and impersonal. Our products are more positive, expressive and warm, better corresponding to what today’s clients seek.
Urns, monuments or columbarium niches enhanced with a ‘‘Precious Souvenir’’ medallion offer significant added value compared to their plain counterparts. This added value helps you differentiate your business and stand out from the competition.
The client receives superior communicational and emotional value, along with the opportunity to purchase additional medallions, plaques and framed porcelain souvenir pictures at a reduced rate. These are truly valuable items and rare collection pieces that clients can have in their own home, give or bequeath to family and friends.
The Precious Souvenir photo reproduction technique (top) produces far superior quality compared to that of the competition. Both pictures enlarged by 250%.
We use exclusive manufacturing and photo-reproduction techniques in high-resolution colors, black and white or sepia. Medallions, plaques and framed porcelain souvenir pictures are high-quality, valuable collection items that beautify and enhance any urn, columbarium niche or monument.
The loved one’s photograph embedded in one of the world’s finest porcelains used only by ‘‘Precious Souvenir’’ is baked on at over 1500°F and becomes permanently etched on the inside and outside, thereby preserving its beauty for generations to come.
The Precious Souvenir photo reproduction technique (left) produces far superior quality compared to that of the competition. Both pictures enlarged by 250%.
The full range of products includes rectangular, oval, heart-shaped and a variety of other sizes of medallions, plaques and framed porcelain souvenir pictures. Oval medallions are also available in porcelain on stainless steel, as well as with rich frames that clearly enhance their beauty.
In addition, ‘‘Precious Souvenir’’ offers elegant framed porcelain souvenir pictures with a stand on the back for display on a mantelpiece or night table.
One of the best guarantees in the industry. All ‘‘Precious Souvenir’’ products are 100% guaranteed against breakage, vandalism and deterioration.
When you deal with ‘‘Precious Souvenir’’ Inc., established since 1995, you have the opportunity to offer your clients unique, value-added, more empathetic, customized and distinctive products than the competition to better respond to your clients’ expectations.
More importantly, we would like to help you build client loyalty by offering an additional service, while increasing sales for you.
We will send you a free mini-medallion bearing an effigy of the deceased in an attractive gift box, which you can then send with a thank-you note on behalf of your company to clients who purchased a ‘‘Precious Souvenir’’ product.
Along with the thank-you note, we will also supply you with a simple and elegant order form for one or several ‘‘Precious Souvenir’’ products. You simply have to send us the order form, so we can fill it rapidly. In addition, ‘‘Precious Souvenir’’ will include a gift certificate for your clients.
This will ensure that your clients appreciate the excellent quality of your services, receive a free mini-medallion in memory of their loved one, along with a gift certificate toward the purchase of one or several medallions or framed porcelain souvenir pictures for their homes or to send to family and friends.
This is an ideal opportunity for you to build client loyalty and make additional sales, while meeting the needs of your clients.
Our customer service, production, photography/touch-up and delivery departments, along with our working documents are designed to make your job easier, simplify your life and increase your sales. We are always attuned to our clients’ needs and focused on the continuous improvement of our service. We welcome any suggestions you may have.